INSIGHTS Online Podcast
The INSIGHTS Online Podcast is a podcasting channel under COMETSA Podcasting Network, a COMETSA Global Online Channels unit. Our episodes affirm and support business people, entrepreneurs, and professionals in their development journeys. Our responsibilities are to build an ecosystem, empower our stakeholders, collaborate across sectors, share insights and knowledge, build a base for succession and inheritance, and preserve our legacies for generations. The principle that guides our shows is called The IDEA! I = We Inform & Entertain! D = We Develop & Educate! E = We Empower & Support! A = We Associate & Network! That’s The IDEA!

Sunday Mar 03, 2024
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
This February 2024 edition marked the return of our monthly highlight, the VUT Student Academic Development Support & Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) Show, streaming live on COMETSA Radio Worldwide (CRW). We welcomed Dr. Jeremiah Madzimure, a renowned Student Success Practitioner from the Vaal University of Technology (VUT), Dr. Madzimure shared insights on “Delivering Impactful 1st Years Experience at VUT,” a topic of great importance to both current and prospective students. The show took place on Wednesday, 28th of February 2024 from18h00 to 19h00 (SAST). It was anchored by Louisa Mogudi, Director at GMK Human Capital (Pty) Ltd, and moderated by Sam Tsima, CEO, Author, and Executive Coach at COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd. Visit our website for further information: This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Monday Feb 19, 2024
Monday Feb 19, 2024
COMETSA Radio Worldwide (CRW), an online streaming radio station established on the 8th of May 2020, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, is a good example of the response to the benefit of the technologies coming with the 4th industrial revolution and the artificial intelligence. Since the establishment of the online radio station, we have conducted online training on radio DJing and hosting the shows. The current show, Digital Online Streaming Mastery Development Programme, is the opportunity for our 2020-2021 Online Radio DJing & Hosting programme graduates to apply and deepen their knowledge. In unit 2, the Evolution of Digital Online Radio, the show host, Sam Tsima, is in conversation with Devesh Mothilall, Maynard Maesela and Mposetse Mathole. They researched the topic and are sharing their insights and perspectives with the listeners. This is a weekly show covering diverse topics on digital online mastery. For further details of this programme, visit This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Thursday Feb 15, 2024
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
Accountability at the Workplace! the conversation with Dolores Mashishi and George Mutendadzamera, live at COMETSA Radio Worldwide (CRW) on Tuesday, the 6th of February 2024, at 19h00 - 20h00 (SAST). The show was brought to you by COMETSA Business Academy (CBA). Building an accountable workplace requires strong teamwork and collaboration. Accountability helps to ensure that every employee will take responsibility for their performance and behaviours, continue to manage this responsibility. Building an accountable workplace requires strong teamwork and collaboration. Every team member must have a strong understanding of the values of the company and recognise the importance of their dedication, in order to attain success. This conversation and the course, 2.1. Accountability in the Workplace (ASC), provide you with informative tools and practical strategies that can be used to help empower the team to work toward achieving the benefits of accountability. Accountable employees will fuel performance and productivity, and generate an enhanced workplace. For further information on the course visit the page at COMETSA Business Academy (CBA), using the Link This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
OBJECTIVES: The show aims to develop competencies in live digital online streaming, moderating, hosting, anchoring and DJing the online radio and podcasting shows at COMETSA Global Online Channels and any other public or private platform. The show is based on the 35 Conducts (the Do’s and Don’ts) of the Streaming and Podcasting Development Programme offered by COMETSA in 2020-2021. This programme has now been developed into a 40-unit course, incorporating these 35 conducts, titled COMETSA Digital Online Streaming Mastery (Hosting, Moderating, Anchoring, and DJing) Development Programme.LEARNING OUTCOME FROM THE SHOW: To acquire the knowledge, skills, competencies, and ability to conceptualise, develop, schedule, produce, host, moderate, anchor, and DJ live digital online radio, podcast, and video talk shows. LEARNING BY PRACTICE: As a paid-up COMETSA member, you qualify to participate and learn by hosting live shows from anywhere in the world if you have stable and high-speed internet. If your membership is not current or you are not yet a member, you may apply online at www.CometsaMember.Com.IMMEDIATE LIVE PRACTICALS: As a member, you can immediately launch your monthly show at COMETSA Radio Worldwide (CRW), You must declare your interest, accept the invitation to register as a DJ or Guest DJ on our digital online radio platform and assign your login password. You will be able to access our radio platform back office. REGISTER A SHOW: Register your show with the production team a month in advance. As you participate in the learning programme, you will understand why you must register for the show a month in advance. You must first register for once-off shows and perfect their hosting before you can apply for a series (monthly or weekly shows). The weekly shows take time to be approved due to the intensity of managing them. Note: Midnight to early mornings (06h00) slots are reserved for musical talk shows (and actual music playing, primarily programmed). SCHEDULING YOUR SHOW: The producers at the COMETSA office will schedule your show on the radio platform and assign you as a host. You must indicate whether you want the show to be recorded or not. When your show arrives, we will launch it live, and you will proceed with your show with your guests from wherever you are in the world. INVITATION TO REGISTER AS DJ: We will invite you via email to host shows at COMETSA Radio Worldwide (CRW) as a DJ. Check your membership status at www.CometsaMember.Com, declare your interest, and we will take care of the rest. But please accept the invitation so that the radio platform can recognise you as an approved DJ and host of live shows. PRE-CONDITION: You must be a fully paid-up COMETSA Friends & Supporters Club NPO member and participate in this learning show at COMETSA Radio Worldwide (CRW). GUESTS: You are responsible for inviting your guests to your show. PROMOTION: You are responsible for marketing and promoting your show. You must adhere to COMETSA guidelines and consult the producers before posting promotional messages. SHOWS REGISTER: We maintain a show register at the COMETSA office for effectiveness and compliance. Only the shows registered will be streamed. READINESS LEVEL: We will induct and orient you until you are comfortable hosting your shows, supported by the COMETSA office. Hence, participation in this learning show is mandatory if you want to qualify to host your show. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
COMETSA Radio Worldwide (CRW) presents the new live show series, COMETSA Business Academy (CBA) Show, weekly on Tuesdays, from 18h00 to 19h00 (SAST). The inaugural show is taking place today, Tuesday, the 6th of February 2024, with the members and business associates of COMETSA, Ms Dolores Mashishi and George Mutendadzamera. We are putting the spotlight on the topic and course, Accountability In The Workplace. Accountability helps to ensure that every employee will take responsibility for their performance and behaviours and continue to manage this responsibility. When we implement goals and communicate with one another, we can achieve powerful results. Building an accountable workplace requires strong teamwork and collaboration. This conversation and the course will provide you with informative tools and practical strategies that can be used to help empower the team to work toward achieving the benefits of accountability. Download our radio app: for Android or iOS mobile devices and join the conversation. You may also tune into COMETSA Radio Worldwide (CRW) using the following links: Homepage streaming www.CometsaRadioWorldwide.Com; Standard (192 kbps MP3), www.CometsaRadioWorldwideStandard.Com; Mobile (64 kbps AAC), www.CometsaRadioWorldwideMobile.Com This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Monday Jan 08, 2024
Monday Jan 08, 2024
The title of the book is very inviting, Holistic CAREER Development COACHING and MENTORSHIP Perspective! The Insights from my Personal and Professional Development Journey! It is a practical book for coaches, mentors, human capital practitioners, and these interventions’ beneficiaries. I am using my perspective, anecdote, and insights to highlight the importance of conducting deep reflection on one’s personal and professional development journey. The book is written in an informative and entertaining way. While learning about the perspective in coaching and mentorship, the reader also gets to know the author as a practising coach, mentor, and human development professional. The author takes you, the reader, through the author’s life from the small rural villages of Moripane and Madibong in the Sekhukhune District of Limpopo Province, South Africa, through high school, university, dual vocational training in both South Africa and Germany, corporate work, and to this point where he is an entrepreneur, running his own company, COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd, a human capital, management and leadership development company. The book is published by Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), The author is following up with the second book, THE FUNDAMENTAL PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES! The 100 Principles Espoused in the book Holistic CAREER Development COACHING and MENTORSHIP Perspective! This second book writing project is inspired by the author’s definitive life purpose and the principles that informed his personal and professional development journey, as covered in his first book mentioned above. He openly shares those 100 principles in ten parts (each containing ten chapters). This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
The last edition of the year of the VUT Student Academic Development Support and WIL Show at COMETSA Radio Worldwide (CRW) took place on Wednesday, the 29th of November 2023, at 18h00 pm (SAST). We were in conversation with two WIL Faculty Co-Ordinators: Ben Moekwa, Lecturer and Work-Integrated Learning Co-Ordinator, Biotechnology & Chemistry. The show's anchor was Boniwe Dunster, Coach and Human Capital Specialist at Blue Eagle Human Capital Practice and COMETSA Friends & Supporters Club member. The moderator was Sam Tsima, CEO, Author and Executive Coach at COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
The last edition of the year of the VUT Student Academic Development Support and WIL Show at COMETSA Radio Worldwide (CRW) took place on Wednesday, the 29th of November 2023, at 18h00 pm (SAST). We were in conversation with two WIL Faculty Co-Ordinators: Ben Moekwa, Lecturer and Work-Integrated Learning Co-Ordinator, Biotechnology & Chemistry. The show's anchor was Boniwe Dunster, Coach and Human Capital Specialist at Blue Eagle Human Capital Practice and COMETSA Friends & Supporters Club member. The moderator was Sam Tsima, CEO, Author and Executive Coach at COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
For this Bridging Cultures Show, focusing on the Nigerian Culture, we are joined by my former colleague at Motorola, Mr Steve Oboh, Founder and Director of SteveBeck Limited, a Human Resources consultancy based in Lagos, Nigeria. Steve Oboh, and I led Motorola HR in Africa, reporting to the Middle East Africa (MEA) office in Dubai, UAE. Our MEA region was regarded as the most culturally diverse region in the Motorola world. I was Head of HR for Motorola South Africa, dealing with South African and Southern African regions. and Steve was Head of Motorola Nigeria, dealing with Nigerian and West African regions. Cultural Diversity was central to our work as we welcomed many Motorola expatriates from around the world into our already culturally diverse region. We had to become experts in Global Talent Mobility and advise the Motorola Global HR Team on local and regional cultural dynamics. I am delighted to host my former colleague, friend and brother, Steve Oboh, as our special guest to give us some personal and professional insights into Nigerian culture. What a reunion with Steve! Dean Foster and I enjoyed this 5th Edition of our monthly BRIDGING CULTURES SHOW focusing on Nigerian Culture, the last one for the year 2023. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
For this Bridging Cultures Show, focusing on the Nigerian Culture, we are joined by my former colleague at Motorola, Mr Steve Oboh, Founder and Director of SteveBeck Limited, a Human Resources consultancy based in Lagos, Nigeria. Steve Oboh, and I led Motorola HR in Africa, reporting to the Middle East Africa (MEA) office in Dubai, UAE. Our MEA region was regarded as the most culturally diverse region in the Motorola world. I was Head of HR for Motorola South Africa, dealing with South African and Southern African regions. and Steve was Head of Motorola Nigeria, dealing with Nigerian and West African regions. Cultural Diversity was central to our work as we welcomed many Motorola expatriates from around the world into our already culturally diverse region. We had to become experts in Global Talent Mobility and advise the Motorola Global HR Team on local and regional cultural dynamics. I am delighted to host my former colleague, friend and brother, Steve Oboh, as our special guest to give us some personal and professional insights into Nigerian culture. What a reunion with Steve! Dean Foster and I enjoyed this 5th Edition of our monthly BRIDGING CULTURES SHOW focusing on Nigerian Culture, the last one for the year 2023. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit